Everything You Need to Know About Legal Weed and Usage

A year and a half after California legalized marijuana, the country is still in the midst of a national discussion about cannabis and whether or not it should be legal throughout all 50 states.
This discussion is opening doors for a lot of people who may not otherwise have wanted to smoke pot. Cannabis isn’t just legal now - it’s super accessible. Dispensaries are popping up left and right to educate users on marijuana usage.
Have questions? You’re not alone. At Herb Collective, we’ve got answers.
Here’s everything you need to know about legal marijuana and how to use it throughout this great state.
How Old Do I Have to Be To Smoke Weed in California?
Weed’s laws are pretty similar to alcohol. You have to be 21 to buy, consume, or possess marijauna products. This includes edibles, concentrates, and bud.
Are There Limits to How Much Marijuana I Can Have?
Yes! You can only possess 28.5 grams of flower on your person at a time. (If math is hard, just picture an ounce.) For dabbers and more advanced cannabis consumers, you can only have eight grams of concentrate on your person. This includes live resin, shatter, budder, you name it. You can’t have eight ounces of each concentrate. Eight ounces total.
What Is Still Illegal?
Not every law concerning marijuana was reversed in 2018. Californians can still be arrested for the following actions:
Selling marijuana to minors
Driving under the influence of cannabis
Consuming cannabis in public
Consuming cannabis on federal lands
Technically, the last bullet point is legal under California law. But until the feds legalize marijuana throughout the country, you can’t toke up in Yosemite.
(Contact California senators if you would like to see marijuana legalized on the federal level!)

Can I Vape in Public?
California’s laws are pretty restrictive when it comes to where you can and can’t consume cannabis. You can’t even open your package of goodies while you’re in public. So no smoking, vaping, eating edibles, or even taking a look at your package to see your dank nugs.
“Public” is pretty much anywhere that isn’t your house or your buddie’s house. This includes:
Buildings open to the public
Residential neighborhoods
You can’t consume cannabis, in any form, in any place where smoking is illegal.
Also, don’t think you can rip open your package as soon as you get to your car. Cannabis consumption is not legal in any sort of motor vehicle or form of transportation. Don’t bring it on your boat. Don’t smoke it while you’re cruising in the passenger seat with your friend. Just wait until you’re at home.
Medical marijuana use in public is legal - but state officials recommend that you stay discreet.
My Landlord Says I Can’t Smoke Weed In My Apartment. He’s Wrong, Right?
Landlords and property owners are allowed to tell tenants that they can’t smoke on the property. They can also prohibit residents from growing marijuana inside. If you’ve got an issue, you’ve got to take it up with them.
Can I Take Weed Out of the State?
Sorry, man. California may be legal in bordering states (Nevada and Oregon,) but you can’t take your cannabis across state lines. If you’re traveling to Oregon, buy your stuff in Oregon. Stay on the safe side.
You also can’t fly with weed, even if you’re flying to a state where marijuana is legal. Even if you promise not to sell it. Leave your stuff at home and avoid an embarrassing conversation with the TSA. Wait until it’s legal in the eyes of the feds.

I’m Not a Smoker. Can I Still Consume Marijuana?
Absolutely! There are so many alternatives to smoking a joint. Talk to your local budtender about:
If you’re primarily interested in cannabis products that contain CBD, you may also be able to grab topical products to soothe inflammation and reduce anxiety. The wonderful thing about legalized marijuana is that users can explore more forms of marijuana consumption with the help of trained professionals.
Can I Grow Marijuana?
Yes! If you want to cultivate your own pot, go for it! But there are limits to how much you can grow and where you can grow it. These limits vary depending on whether you have a medical card.
Consumption and cultivation laws are similar; you have to keep things private and be 21 to do it in the first place. If you’re growing marijuana for recreational purposes, you can only have six plants growing at a time. This can still yield a decent amount of pot for personal consumption. The law limits people from trying to sell pot out of their homes, which is illegal.
You’ve got to grow these six plants inside and away from your neighbors. Outdoor growth is generally frowned upon. If law enforcement officers can see it, they can arrest you for it. So unless you have neighbors close by who are really chill, it’s time to invest in a grow room.
Medical patients have a lot more freedom. In Sonoma County, for example, patients can grow up to 100 square feet of marijuana. You can shove as many plants into that space as you want. Because 100 square feet is quite a big space, you can take this growth outside without any penalties.
Laws regarding medical marijuana cultivation vary by county. Look up the rules for your neighborhood and county before you start buying seeds.

I’m New to Cannabis. Where Do I Begin?
There are many ways to consume cannabis. There are many reasons to consume cannabis. People smoke weed to reduce anxiety, reduce nausea, treat chronic pain, or just to take the edge off. Cannabis products come with different flavors and aromas. You can even get pre-rolled joints!
The budtender at your local dispensary is your best resource for questions about cannabis usage. Not all weed products are the same - so do your research and enjoy experimenting with different strains and products. So stop in to your local dispensary and ask away!