The Ultimate Guide To Marijuana Pipes
If Coronavirus has taught us anything, it’s how fast germs can spread throughout the entire world. There is no better time to get your hands on a bong or piece that you can call your own.
We’re not going to get through this crisis without a little bit of help from our greenest friend.
If you’re new to buying pipes, congratulations! Smoking is going to become a lot easier for you now. No need to roll joints or lug around a bong. You don’t have to wait to hang out with anyone who has a pipe, either.
The hardest part about buying a pipe is choosing which one you want. This guide will give you enough information to make an informed decision on the type of pipe that is best for you and the best materials for pipes. There is no storage of pipes in gas stations or head shops these days. You can even order them online! So take some time and do a little research before making your decision.
What Is A Pipe?
A pipe is an instrument with a bowl at one end and a tube at the other. They’ve been around for millenia! The oldest pipe is said to be from 9000 B.C. - it was made out of animal bone. Several other pipes, made with other materials, have also been found from 3000-4000 B.C. in North America.
Pipes have traditionally held tobacco. While historians aren’t entirely sure how long people have been smoking marijuana from pipes, it’s certainly one of the more popular ways to smoke weed nowadays.
You probably know that pipes are far from the only smoking instrument on the market. A pipe is not… -A bong -A joint or blunt -A dab rig
These are different methods for smoking weed. They all have advantages and disadvantages: a joint, for example, is smaller than a pipe. But you can’t slip a joint in your pocket and expect it to remain intact. A bong will give you a bigger hit, but requires more maintenance.
For now, let’s just talk about pipes.
What Are Pipes Made Out Of?
The first recorded pipe was made out of bone, but stone and clay pipes were also present in ancient civilizations. Nowadays, pipes are made from one of three materials: -Glass -Metal -Wood
While people may still use other materials to make pipes, they are unlikely to be found in your local gas station or headshop. Glass pipes are the most common.
Basic Types of Pipes
While most pipes have a bowl and a tube, you can still choose from a variety of pipe shapes. These shapes may have an impact on how much weed you can get from each hit or how much fun designers can have with the pipe.
Spoon Pipes
If you are thinking of your standard piece, you’re probably thinking of a spoon pipe. Here’s how it works. You pack weed into the pipe’s bowl, which has a small hole at the bottom. The hole connects to two tunnels, ending at the mouthpiece and carb. (The carb helps to promote airflow.)
As you light up, you cover the carb with your finger and breathe in through the mouthpiece. Remove the lighter, remove the carb and get all of the smoke that was lingering around the bowl.
Spoon pipes vary in design and size, but most will generally be able to fit in your hand. They’re easy to clean and easy to pack!
Sherlock Pipes
What might look like a fancy spoon pipe may actually be a Sherlock pipe, named after the world-famous literary character. Sherlock pipes tend to have deeper bowls and skinnier necks (that’s the part between the bowl and the mouthpiece.) Pipes with an extra-skinny neck and small bowl are often called “Gandalf pipes” or wizard pipes.
While bongs are typically considered a “water pipe,” we won’t dive too deep into the logistics of a bong. If you are looking for a portable and easy-to-clean water pipe, consider trying a bubblers. Bubblers only need a little bit of water and are easier to transport than a traditional bong. (Just make sure you dump out any water before you take it anywhere!)
Some chillums resemble some of the oldest pipes made in the world for ceremonial purposes. Other chillums resemble a ballpoint pen or pack of gum. They are typically very small, but don’t have to be. What sets chillums apart from other pipes is that the bowl is pointed straight ahead rather than toward the sky. Packing a chillum may not be so easy the first time.
Any “one-hitter” that you come across falls under the umbrella of chillums. Other types of chillums include: -Dugout pipes (they look like a lighter or a small flask) -Foldable or “Monkey” pipes (resembling a pocket knife - super discrete!)
Chillums are super easy to use. You pack the bowl at one end and take a hit from the other. No need to worry about carbs or water!
What to Look For When Buying a Pipe
-Depth of the bowl: How much weed can you fit into the pipe? (If you’re looking for a one-hitter, this shouldn’t be a big issue, but check out the depth on spoon pipes, Sherlock pipes, and bubblers.) -Thickness: This is more of a concern if you are buying a glass pipe. The thicker the pipe, the less likely it will break if dropped. -Price: Unless your pipe is custom-made, you probably shouldn’t be spending more than $25 for a run-of-the-mill pipe. These devices can go up to triple digits, but if you just want a basic pipe, there’s no need to shell out that much money. Be wary of pipes that are super cheap, especially one-hitters.
Once you’re satisfied with the material, price, and structure of the pipe, the real fun begins. There are some beautiful and funky pipes out there, so enjoy shopping through the cool designs. When you like the design and the shape of your pipe, the weed just hits better.